Charitable Information
Charitable Info
The NDFOP contributes to and participates in numerous charitable drives throughout the year. The majority of these events occur annually, but we also participate in other drives depending on need and requests. The following is a list of annual drives and events.
Concerns of Police Survivors
This is a group that assists the survivors of officers that are killed in the line of duty.
Cops and Kids
All seven lodges participate in this event, which occurs each year around Christmas time. Each lodge takes underprivileged or tragedy-stricken children shopping to try help them at Christmas. We pick them up, take them shopping, take them out to eat, then return them home.
Santa Claus
Each Christmas the lodges send Santa to hospitals to visit and cheer up children that will remain there over the holidays.
The Police Museum at Bonanzaville
The State Lodge funds the Police Museum at Bonanzaville in West Fargo. This historical place is worth the visit for any Law Officer or Citizen to view the numerous items that represent decades of law enforcement equipment, vehicles and uniforms.
Anyone can contribute to the NDFOP Programs